
Wilsons Prom - credit: Trevar Skillicorn Chilver

Make a difference and have fun

Interested in Rotary and wondering how you can become involved in some way?

The Rotary Club of Foster is a group of people who meet every first and third Monday evening. We have a great time and in the process help our local community. Our members come from all over the area and are a cross section of the community's business owners, managers and professionals. If you are looking to meet more people, network, or just make a difference why not come along to see if Rotary is for you.

Contact Us today.

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Foster Stories

2024 Foster Volunteer of the Year Award

Aug 2024

This year, the Rotary Club of Foster will be recognising an outstanding local volunteer by presenting them with an award for their exceptional contribution to the Foster Community throughout the year 2024. Nominations are now open.

The award will be in the form of a certificate of achievement and a $500 cash donation to the awardee's charity of choice and will be presented around Australia Day Celebrations in Foster on 26 January 2025. Details to be announced. Nominations are due on Tuesday 31 December 2024. Download the Volunteer Nomination Form here.