
Rotary International

The Foster Rotary Club meets on the first and third Monday of every month, starting 6.00 pm at The Foster Bowls Club, Foster. Partners are always welcome!

Foster Stories

Moto GP Event Assistance

Nov 2023

Thanks to Peter Tilley, Lyn Linton and Bruce Standfield for volunteering to help out at the Moto GP event at Phillip Island Saturday 21 October. The group answered the call for assistance from the Rotary Club of Phillip Island who welcomed extra car parking attendants and marshals to help with the busy crowds on the day.

Despite a late start due to a very slow traffic queue when approaching the racing circuit, we were finally able to get to work ensuring patrons and staff were guided to their appropriate places. Luckily, the weather was fine, unlike the following day when the event was cancelled due to rain and gale force winds.

It turned out to be a well organised combined Rotary event which allowed the Phillip Island, Wonthaggi and Foster clubs to share the load and enjoy the opportunity of working and interacting together.