About Rotary Foster

Welcome to Foster

The Rotary Club Foster

The Club was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Yarram in 1966.

Charter Dinner held at the Foster War Memorial & Arts Centre on 22 August 1966.

Twenty six members including President Fred Hobson were inducted at the Dinner by District Governor, Dr John Grove.

Charter for Rotary Foster

Club numbers have varied over the years from the original 26, down to 17 and to a high of 45.

Female members were not admitted until 2005 when Liz Hall transferred from Rotary Club of Myrtleford. The Club now has six female members and has had two female Presidents.


Our club meets 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 6:00 pm until about 8:00 pm.

Location: The Foster Bowls Club, Foster

Foster Stories

Earlyact Meeting

Nov 2024

An Earlyact meeting convened at the Foster Primary School with committee members and Rotarians Laurie Warfe and Liz Hall. The Earlyactors have been very busy with the construction of the truck track and assisting in raising funds for Polio Plus in the worldwide eradication of Polio